Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Module 3/12 Questions

When students don’t respond like I hoped, I…
...tend to reevaluate the delivery mechanism rather than the fundamental premise or the validity of what I'm asking.  Mike's statistics related to the Theory of Change have helped me to grow in this area, and the principle is applicable in multiple life situations, such as relationships and interactions with my wife, kids, and coworkers.
When I look at my staff account balance and contributions, I…
...cringe, judge, and doubt.  Then I remember the Lord's faithfulness for the past 8+ years in ministry, and I'm ok-ish.  I don't know where new partners are going to come from - but God does.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Module 2/11 Questions

My financial partners know...that God is doing some amazing things this semester in the Northeast.  At least, they know that if they read my blog entries and prayer letters.  Many of them also know that we need additional support to continue in full-time ministry, as we just sent our EOY Ask.
My sleep, exercise and eating habits are…getting better.  I am working on going to bed most nights at 11.  I don't exercise regularly, but I do walk regularly as part of my commute and time at home.  I eat a LOT of sugar, which I love, and not much salad or vegetables.  Lots of carbs as well.  Hmm...
Taking a day with the Lord is…happening for the Ops Team, me included, next week.  I'm excited about worshipping together to Handel's Messiah.  I'm continuing to pray for God to be my provider - still working out how that works...

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Mod 1 Questions

I took the initiative to share the gospel, leaving the results to God, and...the results have been mixed.  I'm ok at initiating, reticent to engage in cold-turkey evangelism, but also protective of my emotional engagement relationally.  This is a growth area for me.
My walk with God has been…interesting.  Tense.  Difficult.  Good.  I've had some good connections, and some active rebellion.  I tend to not spend time with God when I'm not commuting in to work.  I'm experiencing stress in a number of areas and struggling to actively release outcomes to the Lord.
Walking in the power of the Holy Spirit is…a challenge.  Spiritual breathing becomes both more important and more difficult as my stress level increases.  I suspect that neglecting this discipline in the "good times" makes the stressful times that much harder.